How can I prevent a Tetanus infection

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Tetanus is an infection that kills. A woman can get tetanus when a germ that lives in the stools of people or animals enters her body through a wound. Although anyone can get tetanus, women and babies are especially at risk during childbirth. Tetanus can enter the body if an instrument that is not properly disinfected is put into the womb or used to cut the baby’s cord.

To prevent, all girls and pregnant women should be vaccinated against tetanus. If a woman is pregnant and has not been vaccinated, she should have an injection at her first prenatal checkup, and a second injection at least a month later. Then, if possible, she should follow the rest of the schedule:

  • No. 3: at least 6 months after 2nd injection
  • No. 4: at least 1 year after 3rd injection
  • No. 5: at least 1 year after 4th injection
  • Then get an injection once every 10 years.
  • Burns, A. A., Niemann, S., Lovich, R., Maxwell, J., & Shapiro, K. (2014). Where women have no doctor: A health guide for women. Hesperian Foundation.
  • Audiopedia ID: en010211