How do I deal with injuries if I have been infected with leprosy (Marathi)
If you have any wounds, cuts or injuries, it is very important to do regular and effective wound management, because otherwise germs can easily enter your body through the wound, cause infections and may lead to long-term impairments, too. Also, if the wounds heal, with a good wound management, you can prevent greater scars that can cause difficulties in moving, too.
Your wound will heal fastest if you create the best conditions for new skin to grow. This means keeping your wound clean, and warm. For optimal wound care, please do the following:
When the wound heals, it can lead to a scar. But the scar is active for some more months. It may thicken, stick or shorten. When the skin gets thick, apply a compression bandage to support the healing process of the scar. When the skin gets shorten, gently stretch it. If the skin dries out, use vaseline or hydrating cream to treat the scar. Do not use butter or animal fat! These attract insects and rats.
Greater scars can cause deformities or difficulties in moving the affected part of your body.
Therefore, you have to make intensive physiotherapy like special training to regain the mobility. A physiotherapist or a health worker with special training can teach you how to do simple exercises like elevation of the affected limbs. Start doing these exercises early and frequently. Like this you can prevent stiffness, restricted mobility and disability. If you have an ulcer, move the affected body part gently.
Also, check the other parts of your hands and feet carefully or have someone else check them. Look for cuts, wounds, or thorns. Look for spots or areas on the hands and feet that are red, hot, swollen, or show the start of a wound. If you find any of these, rest the hands or feet until the skin is completely normal again.