What are warning signals for an impending suicide

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It should be noted that some people who die by suicide do not show any warning signs beforehand. Then again, many of those who die by suicide do exhibit some kind of indication. So if you or someone you know exhibits several of the impending suicide warning signs listed below, this person needs immediate help.

  • Depressed or sad most of the time.
  • Speaking or writing about death or suicide.
  • Withdrawal from family and friends.
  • Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, being trapped, strong anger or rage most of the time.
  • Sudden and dramatic mood changes.
  • Drugs or alcohol abuse.
  • Loss of interest in most activities, even in those which were one‘s favourites before.
  • A change in sleeping or eating habits (insomnia or excessive sleeping; loss of appetite or excessive eating).
  • Unexplainable deterioration of performance at work or in school.
  • Sudden giving away of prized possessions and/or writing a will.

IMPORTANT: Always take suicide warning signs seriously. They are a plea for help which is, unfortunately, often unheard. When a person says that he or she is thinking about suicide, you must always take the comments seriously.

  • Felicitas Heyne, Psychologist
  • Audiopedia ID: en020908