What can I do about tears and cuts

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Sometimes rape damages the genitals by causing tears and cuts. These usually cause pain, but will go away in time. If there is a lot of bleeding, you may need to see a health worker trained to stitch tears.

For small cuts and tears:

  • Soak your genitals 3 times each day in warm water that has been boiled and cooled. Putting chamomile leaves in the boiling water can help soothe the tears and help with healing. Or you can put gel from an aloe plant on the tears.
  • Pour water over your genitals while passing urine so that it will not burn. Drinking a lot of liquid makes the urine weaker so it will burn less.
  • Watch for signs of infection: heat, yellow liquid (pus) from the torn area, a bad smell, and pain that gets worse.
  • After violent sex it is also common for women to have a bladder or kidney infection.
  • Burns, A. A., Niemann, S., Lovich, R., Maxwell, J., & Shapiro, K. (2014). Where women have no doctor: A health guide for women. Hesperian Foundation.
  • Audiopedia ID: en020319