Which kind of family planning should I use after an abortion
After an abortion you can get pregnant again right away—in as soon as 2 weeks. Many methods of family planning take time to start working, so talk with someone about family planning and start using one of these methods as soon as possible.
The Pill: You can start taking pills on the same day as the abortion. Do not wait more than one week.
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD): If there is no risk of infection, a trained health worker can put in an IUD right after the abortion.
Injections: The first injection should be given on the day of the abortion, or up to one week after.
Implants: Implants can be put in just before or just after the abortion, or up to one week later.
Female sterilization: If your pregnancy was less than 3 months, you can be sterilized during the abortion or right after it. It is very important that you make this decision carefully. Sterilization is permanent.
Male sterilization: Sterilization for a man can be done any time and is permanent. This decision must be made carefully.
Condoms: You and your partner can use condoms as soon as you have sex again. Condoms also protect against STIs, including HIV.
Spermicide: You can use spermicide as soon as you have sex again. Do not use spermicide if you have HIV, or if you have many sex partners.
Diaphragm: If there was no infection or injury, you can be fitted with a diaphragm after the abortion.
Natural methods (mucus and counting days): These methods do not work until your normal monthly bleeding returns.