Category:Safety at Work
From Audiopedia - Accessible Learning for All
Pages in category ‘Safety at Work’
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- How can cooking fires and smoke damage my health
- How can crafts work damage my health
- How can I avoid health problems from lead poisoning
- How can I avoid health problems from working as a washer-woman
- How can I avoid health problems from working away from home
- How can I make a haybox cooker that reduces smoke
- How can I make a rocket stove that reduces smoke
- How can I prevent health problems from crafts work
- How can I prevent health problems from fire and fuels
- How can I prevent health problems from lifting and carrying heavy loads
- How can I prevent health problems from repeating the same movement over and over
- How can I prevent health problems from sitting or standing for a long time
- How can I prevent health problems from smoke
- How can I prevent health problems from unsafe working conditions
- How can I prevent health problems from working with chemicals
- How can I prevent health problems from working with water
- How can lead poisoning damage my health
- How can lifting and carrying heavy loads damage my health
- How can repeating the same movement over and over damage my health
- How can sitting or standing for a long time damage my health
- How can unsafe working conditions damage my health
- How can work with chemicals damage my health
- How can work with water damage my health
- How can working as a washer-woman damage my health
- How can working away from home damage my health